

Depression can occur for many reasons.  Some women are simply prone to it while others suffer from depression due to circumstances such as an international move, marital problems, a miscarriage or a death in the family.  New mums frequently suffer from Postnatal Depression as well, which can surface many months after the birth itself. Regardless of the cause, depression is not fun – and it can be even more daunting when you are halfway around the world from home, far away from friends, family and familiar resources.

As part of the Doha Mums community outreach, several members have established a Depression Support Group, which meets discreetly at cafés and members’ homes.  At these casual open-forum meetings everyone can discuss their particular circumstances, provide support to others and simply give (and receive) a sympathetic ear.

The organizers and attendees are supportive and welcoming but are not professional counselors.  However, they are happy to refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist upon request.  All discussions are held confidential, and non-members of Doha Mums are more than welcome to attend as well.  

The Doha Mums Depression Support Group meets on the first Wednesday of every month. You can find the specific dates and times in our Events section of the website.  For more information on the Doha Mums Depression Support Group (or to RSVP for a meeting) please send them an email.  


  • Currently there are no scheduled events for this support group. Please check back soon or contact us for more information.
Support Groups

Children's Library
