

Are you experiencing a challenging fertility journey and need someone to talk to in a similar position? Are you baffled by the array of available information or do you just need support and encouragement during this time? Want to speak with other women who are oh-so-familiar with the acronyms of IVF, ICSI, IUI, BBT and DPT – and want to hear their experiences with all of them?

Whether it is primary or secondary fertility please join the Fertility Support Group (FSG) Qatar on Facebook. Meetings are held once a month and from time to time guest speakers will be invited along to provide information and be available for Q&A in a more intimate environment than the formality of the consulting room.

Please contact us for more information on our private Facebook group or to RSVP to a meeting. Be sure include your mobile number as well. 


  • Currently there are no scheduled events for this support group. Please check back soon or contact us for more information.

Support Groups

Children's Library
