We Offer


Doha Mums offers a real community – a multicultural group of mums who gather in person, chat online and offer respectful support and advice to one another. We offer strength in numbers, which allows us to host dozens of welcome coffees, playgroups, outings and other events every month. Doha Mums offers pre-arrival and post-arrival advice with the desire to assist newcomers in their transition, and further assist by loaning baby equipment to newcomers, visitors, grandparents and others.

As a strong community with a well known “brand name” Doha Mums is able to offer exclusive events, airline and retail discounts, early access to new businesses and other opportunities to our members. Because of our status as a registered, legal entity in Qatar we are able to offer amazing resources like the Doha Mums Children’s Library (8,000+ books!), the Deals Card (250+ discounts!), the Doha Family website and our publication, the Doha Family Guide.

We are proud of our members and all they have accomplished. We are proud of our volunteers, who share our vision of welcoming women from around the world to Doha – and we are looking forward to offering you a warm welcome to Doha Mums!

Support Groups

Children's Library
