What are your questions?

Uncategorized FAQ

  • How do I join Doha Mums?

    Prospective members are required to attend an event (e.g. a playgroup, a coffee, a Mums Night Out, etc.) before joining the group.  Please browse our website to find an event that works with your schedule.

    When you attend the event, you will need to make yourself known to the event coordinator so she can verify your attendance with our Membership Director – this is important! Also, please remember the names of two members that you met at the event as you will be asked for their names when you apply.

    Once you have attended an event, return to this website and complete the application form to join.  You will receive an email once your membership has been approved regarding the payment of membership dues – please see the FAQ regarding Membership Dues for more information.

    Please do not submit your membership form or pay your membership dues until after you have attended an event – this helps keep our volunteer-based administrative efforts to a minimum. Also please note that your application must be received within one month of your attending an event.

  • How do I pay the membership fees?

    Membership fees for Doha Mums are QR150 (US$42) per year and are paid online.  You can download the instructions for online payment here. You are welcome to have a friend make the payment on your behalf, regardless of whether or not that person is a member of Doha Mums.

    Certain members or event coordinators may be willing to make the transaction for you in exchange for the QR150 in cash, plus a QR20 “convenience fee”. While we sincerely doubt that there would be any problems with transactions made by a member or coordinator on your behalf, Doha Mums is not responsible for any loss, theft or misunderstanding that might result from these transactions.

  • Are all nationalities welcome?


    Please see the About Us page for the number of nationalities represented in our group!  The Our Members page will introduce you to a few of us as well.

  • My kids are “older” - may I still join?

    Yes, of course – we warmly encourage you to join Doha Mums!

    We have a number of members with “older kids” – even teenagers. As more and more members with “older kids” join the group we’ll be able to offer more activities for them. Some of the best advice for members with babies and preschoolers will come from the more seasoned moms like you, who have already “been there done that”!

  • What are the requirements to join?

    Prospective members must be mums who have children who are living with them here in Qatar – or must be pregnant or expecting a child via adoption.

    Before joining, the mum must attend an event organized by Doha Mums.  To find an event that suits your schedule, please visit our Events page.  Once you have attended an event, please return to the website and visit the Join page.

  • We will visit Qatar to find housing before we move - may I join at that time?

    Absolutely – as a matter of fact, we highly recommend it!

    You’ll find a gold mine of information amongst our members, and you’ll find our members-only forum to be a much more secure and controlled environment than the Doha-related Facebook groups and public forums.

    We also recommend that you visit our sister site, Doha Family, for loads of information on life in Doha.

  • I already attend a playgroup. How is Doha Mums different?

    Playgroups meet once a week or so. . .then everyone goes home until the next playgroup. Moms do become acquainted with one another, but playgroups never really “take it to the next level” for moms as a whole.

    Doha Mums is a Mums Group – not just a playgroup. We do organize many (!) playgroups, but the playgroups are just one element of our group as a whole. On average, Doha Mums offers 60-80 events each month!

    We also offer a private website for members, which contains a members-only forum for questions & discussions, a member directory, a complete calendar and a classified ad section – all of which available only to Doha Mums members.

  • Why can’t I just sign up for Doha Mums? I already know several members.

    We are a group of trusted expat mums in Doha.  We want to ensure that all of our members are, indeed, expat mums — and that they are interested enough in our group to make the effort involved in attending at least one event.

    There are other fantastic online forums here in Doha which allow the general public to simply “sign up”, but knowing that our group contains only “known trusted mums” is part of what makes our group so special.

    Please take minute to look through our Calendar for an event that suits your schedule.  Once you have attended an event, you can join Doha Mums!

  • I am a working mom (or a working expectant mom) - what events can I attend?

    We have made it easier for working mums to identify events occuring in non-working hours! Just visit the Events page and click on the filter for “Working Mum Friendly” – this will bring up all but the afternoon, evening and weekend events.

    The Mums Night Out and the New Arrivals Night Out are our main evening events, and we have occasional weekend and afternoon events as well.

    Keep an eye on the daytime events as well since there may be one that will take place close to your place of employment.  You need not stay for the entire event, so if you are able to sneak away for just a bit then perhaps that would be a convenient way to join Doha Mums.  We are also offering a Saturday playgroup at a park near Landmark Mall during the cooler months.

  • May I still come to your events if I don’t have kids or they are not grown up in Qatar?

    Though you will not be able to officially register for the group, you are more than welcome to attend our events, provided there is space (and there generally is). For limited attendance events we do give priority to members of Doha Mums, but most of our events don’t fall under this category. Come on out and give us a try – we truly are a friendly bunch and we’d love to have you along!

  • Are members required to host playgroups?

    Members are not required to host playgroups, but we do hope you will enjoy attending them enough that you decide to do so.

    The playgroup need not be at your home – you can organize a “playgroup” at the park, an indoor play area or other locations around Doha.

    Organizing a playgroup at a public venue can involve little more than scheduling the event on our online calendar and being on the lookout for new members at the event – it is very easy!

  • I’d like to host a playgroup, but my house is too small. Are there any options for me?


    You can host a playgroup for a specific age-range (e.g. non-mobile babies, one-year olds, young toddlers, etc.), and you may also limit the number of attendees by using the RSVP feature on our members-only website.  We only ask that you save space for at least three prospective members.

    You may also co-host with a member who has a larger home – you bring the snacks, they supply the space, and you both clean up.

    Another option is to “host” a playgroup in a park or in Ray’s Reef, which involves little more than sending out the announcement and reminding parents to bring snacks, water, sunscreen, etc.

    Have questions?  Just contact us!

  • Am I required to attend the event with a friend who want to join?

    You do not need to attend the event with your friend, but if she is shy or apprehensive we hope you will ask her to join you at an event. Please be sure that the hostess has space for her, though. Though you need not attend the event with her, but please do RSVP for her on our private website if the event specifically requests or requires RSVPs.

    Once she has attended an event, please direct her to this website to join.

  • May I bring my infant’s older sibling(s) to an Infants Playgroup?

    This varies from hostess to hostess, so please check her before you bring an infant’s sibling.

    First-time mums are not necessarily excited about germ-factory toddlers, so please be respectful of their wishes if they want to limit the playgroup to infants.

  • May I bring my infant or young toddler to a Toddler’s or Preschooler’s Playgroup?

    As a general rule, yes. However, please remember that the Toddlers/Preschoolers “rule” at the playgroup, so it will be up to you to keep your younger one out of harm’s way around the older ones and their toys.

    Some events do specify age ranges, though, so please do respect the wishes of the hostess.

  • I am pregnant with my first child and I’d like to get to know some other mums who have babies. May I attend a baby playgroup?

    Absolutely. Attending a playgroup while pregnant is a great way to see what parenthood holds for you in the future!

  • How does the Deals Card work?

    Showing your Deals Card at the businesses listed on our website allows you to avail discounts on your purchases, with the occasional value-add offer as well.  Unlike coupon books, the Deals Card allows you to take advantage of the discount over and over again for more than 250 deals!

  • I want the Deals Card! Who is eligible to purchase it?

    Doha Mums members are eligible to purchase the Deals Card.  Please go here to find out more about joining Doha Mums.

    Non-members who attempt to purchase the Deals Card will not be given a refund and will not receive a card.

  • How much does the Deals Card cost?

    The Deals Card can be purchased for QR200 per year. There are more than 250 discounts on offer, making this a fantastic deal!

  • Is the Deals Card included in the membership fees for Doha Mums?

    No. The Deals Card won’t appeal to everyone, so including in the membership dues would force both the membership fees and the price for the Deals Card to be much higher for everyone.

    We feel it is better to give members a choice as to whether or not they want to purchase the Deals Card. With more than 250 offers from 200+ outlets (and many more to come) you will find that it represents an excellent value.

  • I have paid for my Deals Card - what next?

    Please send your photo so we can process your card.  We will let you know when and where to retrieve it.

  • Where do I pay for the Deals Card?

    All Deals Card purchases are made online.

    If you do not have a credit card please feel free to ask a friend to do it for you on your behalf.

  • May I order the Deals Card and pay for it when I pick it up?

    Sorry – the cards are sold on a prepaid basis only.  However, you are more than welcome to ask a friend to pay on your behalf. The Deals Card can be purchased here using a credit card.

  • What type of photo do I need to submit?

    Please send us a photo with a photo that shows your face, preferably with you standing against a plain background such a wall.

    Wait until you have already paid for the card, please, before sending your photo. We’ll notify you once your card is ready for pickup.

  • I’m not a member of Doha Mums. May I still purchase the Deals Card?

    Sorry – the card is only available to registered Doha Mums members whose membership fees are current. Please go here to find out more regarding how to join Doha Mums.

  • May I purchase the Deals Card before I arrive in Doha?

    Sorry! You’ll need to be in Doha and will need to join Doha Mums before you are able to purchase the card.

  • Are the Deals Card offers guaranteed?

    Unless otherwise noted, all offers are good through 31st May of the following year. Though we renew our offers on an annual basis and retain 95% of our vendors year after year we cannot offer guarantees that a particular vendor will remain on board.

    Very occasionally an offer is not honored. In the event that this happens please contact us . We cannot guarantee resolution but we will push as hard as we reasonably can for a favourable outcome.

  • Is the Deals Card transferrable to someone else if I leave Qatar?

    The card has your photo imprinted on it, so it is not transferable. The “unused time” cannot be transferred to another member’s card.

  • How long does it take to receive the Deals Card once I have paid for it?

    If you purchase the card before the 20th of the month then it will be ready by the end of that month.

    If you purchase the card on or after the 20th then it will be ready by the end of the following month, though sometimes we can squeeze it in by the end of the month in which it was purchased.

  • Where do I pick up my Deals Card?

    Once your Deals Card is ready we will let you know where you can pick it up.

  • I lost my Deals Card. How do I get a replacement card?

    We hope that you keep your Deals Card safe in your wallet, but it can be replaced for a fee of QR50. Please contact us for further assistance.

  • I have a problem with my Deals Card - what do I do?

    Please contact us and we’ll be glad to help you out.  For urgent matters please call Roxanne or Sarah – our numbers are listed on the member website.

  • I own a business and would like to put an offer on the Deals Card - how can I do this?

    Please register your offer on dealscardregistration.dohamums.com, and then send a JPG file of your logo to us via email (our email address is in the registration form), or contact us and we’ll be glad to help you out!



Deals Card

How to
